Who's David

by Busted

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:50 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


A Present For Everyone

Song Author

J. Bourne, C. Simpson, M. Willis and M. Fletcher

Tabbed by

Benji James


1st → Charlie Simpson
2nd → Chris Leonard (3rd Guitarist)
3rd → James Bourne
4th → Damon Wilson
5th → Matt Willis

File Size

60 KB




I am very happy with this tab, because I have been wanting to this tab for ages and then someone told me to do it, so for everyone who wants Who's David, here it is. I have had help from my great friend "Unregistered" to help me with a few bits from his powertab. I have changed them slightly so that it's not identicle but I hope you like it, I enjoyed making it for you guys!!! Enjoy!